Aila - Your Money PT
Download Aila to uncover the cost of your life goals and get personalised financial education and guidance to achieve them.
Download Aila to uncover the cost of your life goals and get personalised financial education and guidance to achieve them.
All in the same solution. Accessible in your pocket. Available in minutes.
We're friends with over 30 years experience in financial service, who saw a problem we couldn't ignore.
Friends kept asking us "what should I be doing with my money?". We saw the problem was bigger than our friends and bigger than us.
The gender wealth gap isn't closing - not fast enough.
We're here to change that.
Get Aila today to improve your financial fitness and achieve the life you want.
We are committed to empowering everyone to achieve their life goals financially, so they can find the financial independence they are seeking.
Copyright © 2024 Aila Money - All Rights Reserved.
Aila's free for early adopters - so don't wait - download now and get started calculating the cost of your life goals, getting personalised education on budgeting, saving and investing!